Denis Vial created
AQUA MEMBRANE to provide his expertise
to local authorities, consulting firms,
water treatment companies, engineering schools
and universities.
Denis Vial, founder of AQUA MEMBRANE, is a recognized expert in the field of water treatment
(drinking water, wastewater and seawater) particularly in ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes of organic
and ceramic type.
Microbiology graduate, his research and studies were the subject of
numerous national and international publications.
Working for 25 years within two major international groups, Denis Vial first held various positions in subsidiaries of the
Suez - Lyonnaise des Eaux Group for 17 years.
In 1984, Denis VIAL joined the Lyonnaise des Eaux International Center for Water and Environment (CIRSEE) as a research engineer on membranes.
In late 1989, Denis VIALworked with Aquasource, a newly created subsidiary specializing in water treatment by ultrafiltration.
There, he designed and sold the first ultrafiltration units in France.
In 1993, Denis VIAL joined Degrémont in order to improve his knowledge in conventional water treatment and to direct
other major ultrafiltration projects in France and abroad.
From 1996 to 2000, Denis Vial was Technical Director within Aquasource North America in Richmond, Virginia, USA,
to assist in the creation of the company and to participate in the development of ultrafiltration.
He designed and sold the first membrane units in North America.
In 2001, upon returning to France, Denis VIAL worked for Pall Corporation, global leader in the field of filtration,
as Marketing and Communication Director for Europe, Africa and the Middle East within the water treatment
and membranes division.